Broadcasting Britain:
100 years of the BBC
Broadcasting Britain: 100 years of the BBC

Created 100 years ago, on 18 October 1922, the BBC transformed people’s lives at the turn of a dial, bringing voices out of the ether and conjuring the magic community of radio. Now, our lives are inextricably linked to broadcasting. It is how we remember where we come from and who we are – from the Moon Landing to the 9/11 attacks, from Monty Python to EastEnders, from Live Aid to London 2012.

In 2022, the BBC was the first major broadcaster globally to mark 100 years of continuous broadcasting. To commemorate this moment, the BBC commissioned me to write this vivid, thought-provoking and entertaining celebration of a global cultural icon.

“Every page of Broadcasting Britain is a reminder of a programme we loved, a presenter we trusted, a theme tune we can still hum or a shared national moment.”
Nick Robinson
Published Sep 2022 by Dorling Kindersley, £25.00
Robert Seatter
Poet, Performer, Broadcaster and Arts Professional